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Build Out Line Policy | Referees

EDP Soccer promotes player development and fully supports the US Youth Soccer Player Development Initiative. EDP Soocer's implementation will be as follows:

The 7v7 game is geared for player development. Referee decisions may invoke the “spirit of the game” when the development of the players supersedes trifling infractions.


The build-out line promotes playing the ball out of the back, while creating more opportunities and improvement of a player’s understanding of the game in a less pressured setting.


When the goalkeeper has possession of the ball, either during live play or from a goal kick, opponents must retreat behind the build-out line before they can pressure the ball and the attacking team when the GK puts the ball into play the ball


The build-out line will also serve as the designation for offside at 7v7 play.

Build-Out Line:

  • On a goal kick, a defensive free kick inside the penalty area, or when the goalkeeper has possession of the ball with their hands, the opposing team must move behind the build-out line until the ball is put back into play.

  • The goalkeeper can pass, throw, or roll the ball to put it back into play (punts and drop kicks are not allowed).

  • On a goal kick, a defensive free kick inside the penalty area,  or when the goalkeeper has possession of the ball with their hands, the opposing team may cross the build-out line when:

    • The goalkeeper changes possession from their hand to play the ball with their feet, or

    • a second touch is made by another player on the goalkeeper’s team, or

    • the ball comes to a complete stop, or

    • the ball crosses the buildout line.

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